Spanning the Ages
Spanning the Ages: A Journey Through Life's Timeline Life is a journey, and as we travel along life’s timeline, we experience many changes— physical, emotional, and social. Each stage brings unique challenges and opportunities, shaping us into who we are. "Spanning the Ages" explores these transitions, especially focusing on the geriatric population, while celebrating the rich lives they lead. Let’s take a closer look at how life evolves as we move further down life’s timeline. Early Life: Building the Foundation In the beginning stages of life, childhood and adolescence are filled with growth and discovery. This is a time when we learn who we are and start dreaming about who we want to be. From learning to walk and talk as toddlers to making friends and gaining knowledge in school, these years lay the groundwork for our future. Physically, our bodies grow rapidly. Bones lengthen, muscles strengthen, and brains develop at an as...